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Netanyahu New Coalition

Israel's 37th Government Takes Office

New Coalition Ends Netanyahu's 12-Year Rule

Netanyahu Returns to Prime Ministership

On Sunday, June 13, 2021, Israel's parliament, the Knesset, narrowly approved a new coalition government, ending the 12-year rule of Benjamin Netanyahu. The new government, led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, comprises a diverse coalition of parties from the left, center, and right.

Netanyahu, who had been Israel's longest-serving prime minister, lost his majority in the Knesset following elections in March 2021. After failing to form a new government, Netanyahu was replaced by Bennett, the leader of the right-wing Yamina party.

The new coalition government has pledged to address a range of issues, including the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the country's economic recovery. It remains to be seen how effective the new government will be in addressing these challenges, but its formation marks a significant turning point in Israeli politics.

In conclusion, the formation of Israel's 37th government represents a new era for the country. After 12 years of Netanyahu's rule, the new coalition government promises to bring about change and address the many challenges facing Israel. The success of the new government will depend on its ability to unite the diverse coalition and effectively implement its policies.
