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Cover Shoot Details

Born in the USA - Album Cover and Legacy

Cover Shoot Details

The iconic cover shoot for Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA album was orchestrated by renowned photographers Annie Leibovitz and Andrea Klein. The image, which has become synonymous with the album and Springsteen's career, captures the artist in a solitary pose, sitting on a motorcycle in front of the American flag.

Musical Style

Born in the USA is a rock and roll album with a more pop-influenced sound than Springsteen's previous albums. Its production is typical of mainstream rock music of the time, with polished arrangements and catchy melodies.

Title Track and Legacy

The song "Born in the USA" was written by Bruce Springsteen and was first released by him in 1984. It was also covered by other artists, including Andrew Bissell. The song became a massive hit, topping the charts in several countries and cementing Springsteen's status as a true American hero.

Cover Photo

When crafting the cover photo for Born in the USA, Springsteen hired Rolling Stone photographer Annie Leibowitz to helm the project. Leibovitz shot Springsteen in a variety of poses, but it was the image of him sitting on the motorcycle that ultimately became the album cover.
